Modern History Notes on Peasant Movements

Tribal, Non-Tribal, and Peasant Movements:

  1. Santhal Rebellion (1855)
    • First uprising of peasants, known as Santhal Rebellion, occurred during 1855-56.
    • Santhal people in Bihar faced exploitation by landlords and money-lenders, leading to armed resistance.
    • Around 10,000 Santals, led by Siddhu and Kanhu, rebelled to establish their own government.
    • Rebellion lasted until February 1856, when leaders were captured and movement suppressed.
    • Government declared their region as Santhal Parganas for protection of their lands and identity.
  2. Indigo Revolt (1859-60)
    • Started in Bengal in 1777, indigo cultivation exploited tenant farmers.
    • Farmers forced to grow indigo at disadvantageous terms for European planters.
    • Led by Digambar Biswas and Bishnu Charan Biswas, ryots in Nadia district revolted in 1859.
    • Factories burnt, revolt spread to other parts of Bengal.
    • Government formed Indigo Commission in 1860 to address the situation.
  3. Deccan Riots (1875)
    • Peasant revolt in Poona district known as Deccan Riots in 1875.
    • Peasants revolted against oppressive local moneylenders who grabbed their lands.
    • Revolt began in Supa village, spread to 33 villages, and turned violent against Sahukars and police.
    • Army was called to suppress the revolt, resulting in Deccan Agriculturists Relief Act to address grievances.
  4. Moplah Rebellion (1921)
    • Mappilas, Muslim tenants in Malabar region, revolted against state and Hindu landlords.
    • Rebellion started with attacks on police stations, turned communal with attacks on landlords.
    • Became violent and resulted in Hindu-Muslim conflict.
  5. Kol Rebellion (1832)
    • Kols of Chotanagpur revolted in 1831 against land transfer to outsiders.
    • Led by Buddho Bhagat, Kol rebels killed many outsiders.
  6. Bhil Uprising
    • Bhils in Maharashtra and Gujarat revolted against British rule as outsiders.
    • Revolt lasted for about 30 years.
  7. Jaintia and Garo Rebellion
    • Jaintias and Garos opposed British construction of strategic road in Meghalaya.
    • Rebellion was suppressed by the British.
  8. Rampa Rebellion
    • Rampa rebellion against government-supported Zamindars and forest regulations.
    • Authorities launched military campaigns against rebels.
  9. Munda Rebellion
    • Munda tribe rebelled against British exploitation of their land.
    • Led by Birsa Munda, focused on preserving sacred groves.
  10. Bastar Rebellion
    • Tribes in Chhattisgarh revolted against forest laws and feudal system.
    • Rebellion was quelled by British in 1910.
  11. Tana Bahagat Movement
    • Movement began as religious and evolved into political under Indian National Congress.
    • British authorities responded harshly to the rebellion, similar to other movements.

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